Ways I Have Seen Hope Bloom in Portland

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The other day I was driving around with my husband tag teaming some Postmates orders, because I was laid off from my day job and his hours were severely cut back. We were enjoying the warm golden hour light peaking through the trees. I scanned the sidewalk and saw a grown woman strolling slowly and smelling a flower she had picked. I also saw a sweet elderly couple wearing masks holding hands while they took a walk. 

Of course Covid-19 has disrupted all of our lives and has been devastating in the cases of some families, but I have seen beautiful glimpses of hope as well in Portland. 

I have seen families riding bikes together and not just on the weekend. I have seen churches give power to young people and be creative with technology. I have seen people giving back to their community even though they are afraid that their business will go under. I have talked to my neighbors for once (with plenty of distance between us). 

This pandemic has reminded a lot of Americans about how we are vulnerable and has called a lot of people to question our mortality. It makes me think about priorities,  and I doubt I’m the only one. I never would want something like this pandemic to happen again and my heart hurts for people who have lost their loved ones. My heart hurts for everyone battling against their own minds but have to be alone. My heart hurts for those whose homes feel more threatening than the disease. However, I can not help but be hopeful when I see some of the great acts of kindness performed by people even in my own city. 

Many locally owned restaurants in the Portland area like PDX Sliders , Lionheart Coffee Co. , and Sugar Street Bakery & Bistro stepped up and served kids lunches who depended on school to provide that meal. Also, when a staple floral wholesale branch, Mayesh, had to close down for safety all their leftover products got donated to local florists. However, Portland florists did not just take that product and sell it, but instead they took that product and made beautiful installations all over the city for the community to enjoy. I have also seen some local schools hand delivering supplies to young students’ front doors while schools are closed.

A few days ago I held a virtual baby shower for my best friend and although I longed to be with her in person I am so grateful for this new life coming into the world. I am grateful for the opportunity to still connect virtually and I loved seeing the joy on people’s faces as they caught up with each other.

And on top of all those examples, Oregon’s flowers have been incredible already this season and that is a reason to be hopeful!


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